This is my journey with drinking and how I took back control over my life.

I have worked in the health and wellbeing field for over 25 years, specialising in addiction as a drug and alcohol counsellor and rehabilitation centers.  I have also walked my own personal path with alcohol, I struggled for many years to get my drinking under control resulting in terrible sleeping patterns, weight gain, lack of confidence and anxiety.  I finally admitted to myself that I needed help, I could not do this alone even with all my skills and knowledge of being a counsellor. 

I didn’t know where to start. There seemed to be two types of drinkers; alcoholics who drank heavily everyday and then people who could stop after one or two drinks, they didn’t feel drinking was a problem for them.  So where did I fit in? I was smart, I had a great job that I loved and did well at, great partner and kids, amazing friends.  So why did I feel not enough, why couldn’t I control my drinking if I had the rest of my life under control?

The decision I made that day to book an appointment with a hypnotherapist changed my life and continues to.  For the first time, I could recognise these constant thoughts I had about myself not being enough, not doing enough and I could see these were not new thought and beliefs.  These thoughts went way back, back to being a young mum, back to a teenager and all the way back to a small child.  imposture syndrome – I had heard the term but I had never related to myself.

My problems didn’t all just vanish over night, hypnotherapy isn’t magic and there was some uncomfortable realisations I had to face.  But during my discovery I learnt all about the mind and how the unconscious mind controls 95% of our thinking which is made up of old thoughts, experiences and beliefs from the past. I learnt these old negative thoughts and beliefs turn into feelings, when we don’t feel good we reach for relief quickly – and for me, that relief was alcohol.

Alcohol was my instant but very short term relief. All the same thoughts and feeling to come back the next day and I’d do it all over again. Alcohol had always numbed that voice, quietened it down, given me confidence, given relief. But boy, was that negative voice loud and proud the next day after I had been drinking!  I was stuck in a loop.

Hypnotherapy allowed me to  discover that alcohol wasn’t my problem, it was all the things I was looking to escape from, find relief from. When this finally started to make sense to me, that was a game changer!

Hypnotherapy showed my how to say yes to opportunities when they came up instead of procrastinating or worrying if it is going to work out, it showed me all the choices I have laid out before me in my future.

Fast forward, today I am a psychotherapist who specialises in addiction using a unique blend of therapies including  hypnotherapy.  My growth and knowledge from my clients continues  everyday which I am able to share in my therapy practice, giving  clients the learning and wisdom to apply in all areas of their lives when problems and hard decisions come up, and they will.

If you are seeking a magic pill to cure you of your drinking instantly then this program is not for you. If you are willing to undertake a journey of growth, expansion and self discovery and learn strategies that you can use in all areas of your life – then this program is designed for you.

find freedom today

If you would like to have a chat about how I can help you take back control over your drinking and reclaim your life, book a time with me to find out more.